Latest Content Update
The latest PVE update introduces Goblin Camps spread throughout the world. These camps drop large quantities of supplies such as raw fish, herbs, and other items. The open world PVP scene in this MMO is filled with content.

Gifts & Rewards
Claim your rewards and gifts in the game for playing and helping us grow this open world PvP MMO. We have a tight-knit community and need all the help to keep growing.

Join the vast world of Darklands, a Darkscape-inspired private server with open-world PvP, where danger lurks around every corner. Come and play now!

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Darklands Open World PvP Adventure

Please remember the following information about the open world PvP areas:
The level indicated for a specific region determines the range within which other players can attack you. For example, a level 5 threat zone means that only players who are 5 levels above or below your current level are allowed to attack you. are 5 levels above or below your current level are allowed to attack you.
Misthalin lvl 5
Kharidian Desert lvl 5, 15
Asgarnia lvl 5, 20
Kandarin lvl 20
Feldip Hills lvl 20
Karamja lvl 20
Fremennik Province lvl 20
Troll country lvl 20
Frozen wastes lvl 20
Tirannwn lvl 20
Morytania lvl 40
Wilderness lvl unrestricted
Daemonheim lvl unrestricted

Reaching paladin status will be no easy feat, making the status rare and unique and avoiding balancing issues for the open world PVP aspect.
Paladins will lose their status upon attacking any player who has not been deemed dangerous.
the status timer will reset after being lost for the same duration.
Paladin status was inspired by the world PvP hero-bandit concept in Dayz, where bandit players gain a unique look to distinguish them; the same will be true for paladins.
playing the game for a certain amount of time without engaging in aggressive behavior, a player may advance to paladin status, signifying their commitment to defending and acting heroically. As a paladin, the player gains the ability to engage in combat with dangerous (skulled) players anywhere in the game world, allowing them to protect other players with minimal risk and without being subjected to the full looting penalties that skulled players face.
Paladin Status Concept
join our discord to vote and give us feedback for future updates and ideas.

key features
"Player Bounty Is a unique feature in open world PvP. When a player gets a "skull", there is a 30% chance that the player will be designated as a bounty, which will be announced in the chat with a special skull above their head. The key benefit of hunting bounties is that there is no skull penalty when attacking player bounties."
Redemption Activated upon being killed by another player, this feature gives the killed player 5 minutes to hunt down their killer anywhere in the open world without skulling, to avoid camping grind spots and griefing.
Protect item Has been removed to avoid things such as 1 items and ragging as a form of griefing but there are items that you can obtain to let you keep 1 extra item on death non skulled players keep 4 items on death so don't be afraid to roam the open world pvp.
Threat zones The world is made up of 4 different threat zones throughout the open world the starter area is level 5 meaning you can only attack and be attacked by players 5 levels above or below your current level. Other areas around the world are 20, 40, and unrestricted. these areas can change with feedback to keep the pvp balanced.
Darklands is a Darkscape inspired RSPS
A Open World PvP MMORPG

open world pvp mmorpg
Darklands is an open world pvp MMO, a darkscape private server based on the game that shut down in 2015. the open world pvp scene is the same as it was in Darkscape and a replica of Darkscape with added features and more tweaks to balance the game out because Darkscape had a lot of flaws and we've tried to make them better and fix them with Darklands. Darklands is also a low-spec open world pvp MMO that anyone can enjoy.